Chemoprevention of colon cancer: metaanalysis & systematic review of preclinical studies in rats & mice
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Meta-Analysis of Chemoprevention Studies with Beta-Carotene,
in Carcinogen-Initiated Rats and in Min Mice.

Figures from Rat Data Table

Carotene Chemoprevention Colon Tumor Incidence in Rats - Carotene Funnel Plot Rats -

An Explanation of Data Presented Above

Beta-carotene effect in carcinogen-injected rodents. The meta-analysis of four studies including 204 rats and mice showed that beta-carotene reduces colon tumour incidence in rodents: RR= 0.76 (p=0.005) [Table]. However, this RR was not significant using Random model analysis (0.72, p=0.11, Figure). No study of beta-carotene in Min mice was found in the litterature.
Extracted from the article: "Corpet D.E. & Pierre F., 2005, European Journal of Cancer, How good are Rodent Models of Carcinogenesis in Predicting Efficacy in Humans? Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Colon Tumour Chemoprevention in Rats, Mice and Men. in the press." Fetch the [preprint] (.pdf)

Abbreviations /Data Tables

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DE Corpet & F Pierre, 2005, European J. Cancer
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